SSS Sea Fox – Annual Pie Fundraiser

Sea Scout Ship Sea Fox – Pies for women escaping violence For the second year in a row, the Sea Scout Ship Sea Fox (Alameda) have used their annual pie fundraiser as a vessel to serve women and children escaping violence, homelessness, and addiction. During the yearly fundraiser, pie buyers are encouraged to get pies […]
Fleet Week -2022

Sea Scouts Cruise for Fleet Week Sea Scouts from around the Council got on the water on Saturday, Oct 8th to see the Blue Angels and other aircraft in the Fleet Week air show. Ships 9 (Alameda), 700 (Tres Ranchos), and 52 (Herms), were spotted on the Bay. Ships 22 (SSS Corsair) and 100 (SSS […]
Coastal Cleanup – 2022

Aeolian Yacht Club Hosts Annual Coastal Cleanup Day On September 17th the Aeolian Yacht Club once again hosted Coastal Cleanup Day in cooperation with the Coastal Commission and the Sea Scouts. This year’s event was well attended, with more than 75 volunteers from Sea Scout Ship 09 Sea Fox and Scouts, BSA Troop 1015 spreading […]
BSA National Chairman Visit

BSA National Chairman Visits San Francisco Sea Scout Base – August 20, 2022 Sea Scout Ships Corsair (22) & Viking (100) were honored to host Dan Ownby, BSA National Chairman, on Saturday, August 20. The scouts took the Chairman out for a sail in the San Francisco Bay on Viking and everyone had big smiles […]
Wente Weekend 2022

Wente Sea Scout Weekend The Council Sea Scouting Committee sponsored Wente Sea Scout Weekend Sept. 9-11. Originally planned for the Golden Gate District’s three Ships and Maritime Explorer Club, once word got out we decided everyone who wanted to attend should have the opportunity. Nine Ships representing three different councils, a Maritime Explorer Club and […]
Sea Scout Summer Cruises 2022

When Your Summer Camp is a BoatGGAC Summer Cruises – 2022 This summer, Golden Gate Area Council Sea Scout Ships visited Delta communities, North Bay towns, San Francisco, Marin and down the coast to Santa Cruz during their annual summer cruises, generally a 1-2 week intensive trip of fun, advancement, and boating! Baden Powell’s […]
Safety at Sea 2022

Annual Safety at Sea Training, Yerba Buena Island, Coast Guard Sector San Francisco Every year, Bay Area Sea Scout groups gather at Yerba Buena Island (Coast Guard Sector San Francisco) to train and practice essential safety at sea training. Scouts learn from adult leaders, as well as from members of the Coast Guard and Coast […]
SEAL Training San Francisco Bay

SEAL is an amazing learning experience and scouts from SCOUTS BSA, VENTURING, and SEA SCOUTS are all able to attend! Should you want to attend SEAL training you can find more information HERE. In addition, HERE is more information on how to get your youth involved in a local sea scout ship. Check out the below […]
SSS Chaser Flag Day

Native Son’s Flag Day Ceremony – Sonoma, CA On June 12, 2002, the Sea Scout Ship Chaser’s Color Guard took part in the annual Flag Day Celebration on the Sonoma Plaza in Sonoma, CA. The Scouts presented the National Ensign for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem and then the lowered the California […]
GOAL Launch

Spring GOAL Launch – San Francisco, CAFriday, May 13, 2022 Last Friday, Explorer Post 44 hosted a celebration lunch and launch of the wooden boat they built at the San Francisco Sea Scout Base. Post 44 was created in partnership with Get.Out.And.Learn (GOAL) to deliver experiential learning opportunities to teens who are at risk of dropping out […]