Sea Scout Summer Cruises 2022

Sea Scouts summer cruise

When Your Summer Camp is a Boat
GGAC Summer Cruises – 2022


This summer, Golden Gate Area Council Sea Scout Ships visited Delta communities, North Bay towns, San Francisco, Marin and down the coast to Santa Cruz during their annual summer cruises, generally a 1-2 week intensive trip of fun, advancement, and boating! 

Baden Powell’s first outing, the camp out on Brownsea Island, included travel by boat and GGAC Sea Scout Ships traveled over 1000 miles by boat this summer on our local waterways and Ocean.

Maybe a scout can not drive themself to summer camp, but every Sea Scout had the opportunity to drive their vessel to a summer cruise destination, and in the case of Ship 700, Alameda/Castro Valley, to Six Flags Marine World and the Petaluma Car Races!

B-P wrote in Scouting for Boys, “every scout should be able to manage a boat” and he developed Sea Scouts as the High Adventure program for Scout Troops. Summer cruise is just the tip of the iceberg for this exciting program.

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