Sea Scouts Cruise for Fleet Week
Sea Scouts from around the Council got on the water on Saturday, Oct 8th to see the Blue Angels and other aircraft in the Fleet Week air show. Ships 9 (Alameda), 700 (Tres Ranchos), and 52 (Herms), were spotted on the Bay. Ships 22 (SSS Corsair) and 100 (SSS Viking), shared a BBQ at their San Francisco Base and hosted over 125 Cub Scouts and Maritime Explorers. The San Francisco Base is the center of the Air Show.

Blue Angel
Scouts get a grandstand view of a Blue Angels’ FA-18 Hornet jet flying over the Bay

Meet Fat Albert
Fat Albert – a C130 Hercules – is the Blue Angels workhorse transport plane. “Bert’s” main role is to carry the equipment and personnel from performance to performance.