Southwestern Rendezvous - 2022
GGAC SSS Corsair and SSS Viking, along with a combined team competing as SSS Mischief, went to Los Angeles for the long Thanksgiving weekend to compete at the 84th Southwestern Rendezvous, a large Sea Scouts regatta based in Southern California at the Cabrillo Beach Youth Center.
A combined team of SSS Corsair/Viking junior members (mostly freshman and sophomores) took home the Clipper Class Award and SSS Mischief (a team of senior members) took home the Golden Windjammer Award, a class award that means the group qualified in 14 of the 18 team events at the regatta and reached at least 85% in ship events, as well as competed in every single event. This is an exciting award granted to the top ship in the regatta, which is not awarded every year, as its qualifications are difficult to meet.
SSS Mischief also took home the Old Skipper’s Award (best combined score in Knots, Compass & Relative Bearings, Charting, Ground Tackle & Motorboating, and Rules of the Road & Aids to Navigation) AND the Spirit Award for best sportsmanship.
Congratulations to all the scouts who competed!
This regatta is a great chance for Northern California ships to prep for the spring regatta season. In addition, this competition allows scouts to compete until 21 and has some different events from the Northern California regattas. It would be great for more Northern California ships to participate in the future to get practice in a slightly different kind of competition and meet more scouts from across California.

SSS Mischief Scouts strategizing in the ‘Build a Boat’ event | SSS Corsair and Viking competing in the Sailing event | Scouts rowing
To learn more about this regatta, check out the Southwestern Rendezvous website.