72nd Annual Old Salts’ Regatta – Coast Guard Island, Alameda
Friday, April 29 – Sunday, May 1, 2022
16 Sea Scout Ships from around the Bay Area competed at Old Salts’ Regatta this past weekend on Coast Guard Island in Alameda. This was the first major regatta since 2019 and it was a huge success.
The crews competed in 19 events including knots, rope climb, scuttlebutt, flotilla drill, pulling, and piloting, some of which are pictured below. Congratulations to all the crews for a great weekend of competition and fun and to Golden Gate Area Council (GGAC) members Sea Scout Ship (SSS) Sea Fox (Regatta Relay winner, Scuttleoff competitor) and SSS Viking (Captain’s Cup award, Scuttleoff winner, Regatta Relay competitor) for taking home quite a few awards and accomplishments.
Thanks to our hosts at Coast Guard Island, a great committee of volunteers from GGAC and Pacific Skyline Council and to all the families and scouts who made this event possible. The scouts will have a few weeks off before the biggest competition of the spring, the Ancient Mariner Regatta (AMR), which will be taking place Memorial Day Weekend at California Maritime Academy. All are excited for another fun and memorable weekend!