SSS Viking Honored by U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy Honors SSS Viking 100 with National Flagship Recognition On June 1, Sea Scout Ship (SSS) Viking “100” was recognized with the National Flagship award by a US Navy Admiral. Golden Gate Area Council’s Sea Scout Ship Viking “100” won the National Flagship award on April 19 (press release here). The National Flagship award is given to […]
GGAC Sea Scout Ships – National Recognition

SSS Viking 100 Awarded Best Ship in the Nation – April 19, 2023 On April 19, Sea Scout Ship (SSS) Viking “100” won the recognition of best ship in the country for this year and SSS Sea Fox “9” was recognized as part of the National Flagship fleet. Golden Gate Area Council Sea Scout Ship […]
San Francisco Sea Scout Base – A Brief History

GGAC San Francisco Sea Scout Base location was selected during the 1930’s by the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department as the ideal location for a sailing and rowing facility for youth due to it being in the wind shadow of Black Point and the construction of a protective breakwater creating a calm bay and […]
Amelie LG

Sea Scout Leadership Award, National Territory 3 – San Francisco, CA Amelie LG of SSS Viking 100 was nominated for being the first territory boatswain in National Service Territory 3 (NST3) and for her efforts of bringing together an NST3 Quarterdeck (youth leadership committee), for helping launch and teach at a national virtual advancement academy, […]
Sea Scouts Coast Guard Auxiliary

Sea Scouts Coast Guard Auxiliary Opportunity As a reminder, the US Coast Guard (USCG) has adopted the Sea Scouts as their official youth program. All Sea Scouts have associate membership with the USCG Auxiliary. Sea Scouts can obtain staff positions within an AUX Flotilla and they can pursue full membership and take online USCG courses. […]