Ancient Mariner Regatta – California Maritime Academy, Vallejo
Friday, May 26 – Monday, May 29, 2023
19 Sea Scout Ships from around the Bay Area competed at Ancient Mariner Regatta this past weekend at California Maritime Academy (CMA) in Vallejo. Around 200 youth attended for an intense weekend of competition for the last regatta of the spring season, with GGAC ships Albatross, Chaser, Northland, Viking, Corsair, Konocti Phoenix, and Sea Fox in attendance. The regatta hosted ships from across California and as far as Hawaii.

The crews competed in 25 events including knots, rope climb, scuttlebutt, flotilla drill, pulling, and piloting, some of which are pictured. Crews also participated in a uniform inspection and world kinship, which aims to bring together scouts from different ships in various bonding exercises. There was also a drill-off and fleet drill, where every scout at the regatta must compete in drill marching. Congratulations to all the crews for a great weekend of competition and fun and to Golden Gate Area Council (GGAC) members Sea Scout Ship (SSS) Sea Fox (Clipper class award, drill-off competitor), SSS Corsair (Pulling Finals winner), and SSS Viking (Navigator award, pulling finals competitor, drill-off competitor, Clipper class award) for taking home quite a few awards and accomplishments. This year’s regatta also featured a pirate-themed dance with a sea shanty band.

Thanks to our hosts at CMA, a great committee of volunteers from GGAC and Pacific Skyline Council and to all the families and scouts who made this event possible. The next competiton will be Southwestern in the fall, which occurs in Southern California. In the meantime, Sea Scouts around the Bay Area are prepping for their respective 1-2 week long summer cruises, which will be full of fun and a great chance to complete rank advancement. Email [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about Sea Scouts.